
is a process that happens when your body doesn’t have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy. Instead, it burns fat and makes things called ketones, which it can use for fuel resulting in healthy weight loss.

The Science Behind the Protocol

Ideal Protein Success Stories

More on Ideal Protein


The BODY is built to gain weight. Ideal Protein is built to BURN it.
Our Medically Developed Weight Loss Protocol will Help You Reach Your Dieting Goal…
and Teach You How to Maintain a Stable Weight After the Program has Ended.

The Ideal Protein Protocol is a 3-Phase ketogenic weight and lifestyle management protocol based on validated science for safe weight loss.

The program has been evolving for over 20 years. Our medically developed weight loss protocol and smarter lifestyle choices education offers dieters what they really want…a structured program that can put an end to constant dieting. Your personal weight loss coach will empower you with the knowledge you’ll need to develop better living habits and smarter eating choices after the program ends.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Primarily promotes fat loss while supporting muscle mass;
  • Living at a healthy weight may provide health benefits for high blood pressure, cholesterol and type 2 diabetics;
  • Ideal Protein has a beginning, a middle and an end;
  • and Much More

After losing your excess pounds, you’ll have learned how many calories you burn in an average day, what food combinations to steer clear of and how to avoid weight gain while still enjoying the foods you love.


At Graham Rehab & Wellness we address weight issuesby reducing Carbohydrates and fats while ensuring adequate daily protein intake. We chose the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol because it is designed to help the body burn its fat stores for energy while maintaining muscle mass.

Ideal Protein is not a high-protein diet. It offers a variety of good, quality, protein-based foods, personalized coaching and teaches you how to develop smarter eating habits to help you maintain your weight after weight loss is achieved.

At our clinic we have helped over 250 dieters* lose weight. If you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type II diabetes, hypothyroidism, central obesity or just want to lose a few pounds to look and feel better call or email us to schedule a consultation.

Making Smarter Lifestyle Choices is the Only Way to Ensure Your Excess Pounds Don’t Come Back

Ideal Protein will Teach You How

Studies show 80% of dieters are do-it-yourselfers, enjoying short term success for a life long problem. Short term weight loss is a victory, but your ultimate triumph comes from keeping the weight off after dieting. To do this, you must go beyond weight loss and gain an understanding of how and why you gain weight in order to achieve and then maintain a balanced weight.

Contact us today and ask about your initial Weight Loss Assessment. Our medically developed diet protocol can be tailored to just about any individual, regardless of your weight loss goals

All the POWER you need to lose weight exists inside you.

Ideal Protein’s medically developed weight loss protocol gives dieters what they really want, a structured plan that empowers them with the knowledge to put an end to constant dieting. Our dieters learn to eat smarter, in order to sustain lifestyle changes that will assist them in achieving and maintaining better well-being.

  • Burn fat while supporting muscle mass;
  • Learn when, why and in what combination to eat carbohydrates (sugars), fats, and proteins;
  • Expert guidance and professional support under the tutelage of your personal weight loss coach;
  • Losing weight can improve blood sugar and cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure;
  • and more.

Do you have what it takes…Pick up the phone and contact us today 206-622-9001, we’ll help you lose weight while teaching you how to stabilize your weight after dieting.


When I turned 30 this past spring, I was talking to my mom about how I had “gained a little weight” but other than that, I had been feeling okay. Her response was, “well, it’s genetic”. A few things happened right after I said that- I realized that I had gained more than a “little” weight and those extra pounds weren’t doing me any favors with my back issues. I was lethargic, but couldn’t get to sleep at night and didn’t sleep well once I did.